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Hahahaha brilliant!! The game by itself is awesome, combining flappy bird with a typing game is a great idea. BUT, once you read the full story the meaning of the game changes by a lot (I recommend you to dowload the story if you are a noob like me). Very clever and thought out!!


Ahhh, for a while I thought I just had to avoid the orange obstacles – I didn’t realize hitting the ceiling or floor was also bad.

Creative idea, I like it!


Thanks for the feedback ^^ Yeah it’s not clear that the ceiling and floor are “obstacles” I didn’t think about showing it more clearly … maybe I should fix that ^^ Glad you enjoyed it <3


Le concept est une bonne idée, ça fonctionne bien ! :)
C'était un peu la panique de chercher les bonnes touches lors de la première partie mais ensuite on trouve notre propre rythme, tout en ayant le temps de lire l'histoire. Vraiment cool. ^^

Merci pour le retour ❤️ Je suis contente que ça t’aie plu et que tu aie pu suivre l’histoire ^^